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时间: 2017 - 01 - 25
本系统包括酶、缓冲液和用于测试反应效率的对照 DNA 标准物。另外还含有 Calf Intestinal Alkaline Phosphatase(小牛肠碱性磷酸酶),与 T4 Polynucleotide Kinase(T4 多聚核苷酸激酶)一起能去除标记物前的5'- 磷酸。特点 - 优点• 方便:能用于标记单、双链 DNA 和RNA。• 完善:系统包括酶、缓冲液和对照 DNA 标准物,用于测试反应效率(不含放射性核苷酸)。• 灵活:可以使用[γ-32P] ATP、[γ-33P] ATP 或者 [γ-35S] ATP。应用• 制备杂交探针• 制备测序引物• 标记用于自动射线照相术的标记DNA和RNA• 制备用于凝胶阻滞实验的探针储存条件储存于-20℃。
时间: 2017 - 01 - 19
µ Columns Content: 20 columns130-042-701产品说明µ Columns can be used with the following separators: µMACS Separator thermoMACS SeparatorColumn capacityµ Columns are used for cell lysates from up to 107 cells.Background informationµ Columns are especially designed for small-scale molecular biology and protein biochemistry applications. Prior to use, the µ Column is placed in a separator, which induces a strong magnetic field within the column. Molecules labele...
时间: 2017 - 01 - 11
CD4 MicroBeads, rat130-090-319产品说明Background informationCD4 is expressed on most thymocytes, T helper cells, CD4+ regulatory T cells, as well as on a subset of dendritic cells and, at a lower level, on macrophages and monocytes.Downstream applicationsT cells isolated with CD4 MicroBeads can be used for in vitro1 analysis, for example, of cytokine expression or antigen specificity. Functionality of the isolated cells has been shown by several adoptive transfer experiments.2–4 Transfer of isolated...
时间: 2017 - 02 - 04
CD303 (BDCA-2)-FITC, human (clone: AC144)130-097-927产品说明CD303 (BDCA-2) antibodies have been used, for example, to identify, characterize, and enumerate plasmacytoid dendritic cells in whole blood of healthy and HIV-infected individuals, and for analyzing the role of DC-SIGN in HIV infection and transmission.7,11Furthermore, CD303 (BDCA-2) antibodies were also used for immunohistochemical staining, for example to identify plasmacytoid dendritic cells in tissue sections from patients with differen...
时间: 2017 - 01 - 24
Mitochondria MidiMACS Starting Kit, mouse tissue130-097-039产品说明The isolation protocol is based on the renowned MACS Technology, which enables fast isolation of high purity and high yield mitochondria.Detailed procedureTissues can be homogenized with the gentleMACS or gentleMACS Octo Dissociator in combination with the Mitochondria Extraction Kit – Tissue. After one-step homogenization of the tissue and lysis of the cell suspension, mitochondria are magnetically labeled with Anti-TOM22 MicroBeads...
时间: 2017 - 01 - 23
Treg Expansion Kit, mouse130-095-925产品说明Background informationThis kit sustains FoxP3 expression in expanded Treg cells that were previously isolated with the CD4+CD25+ Regulatory T Cell Isolation Kit, mouse. The Treg Expansion Kit is based on MACSiBead™ Particles pre‑loaded with CD3 and CD28 antibodies. Optimal expansion of Treg cells is accomplished by using pre-loaded MACSiBead Particles and Treg cells at a bead-to-cell ratio of 3:1 and recombinant interleukin 2 (rIL-2) at a concentration of ...
时间: 2017 - 01 - 11
CD4 MultiSort Kit, human130-055-101产品说明Detailed separation procedureThe CD4+ cells are isolated with CD4 MultiSort MicroBeads and the magnetic particles are then enzymatically released. The selected CD4+ T helper cells can again be magnetically labeled and sorted for a second antigen.Downstream applicationsThe CD4 MultiSort Kit can be used to isolate specific CD4+ T cell subsets. The selected CD4+ T helper cell population can be sorted according to a second marker of interest, e.g., CD45RA1,2,3,...
时间: 2017 - 03 - 01
µMACS DYKDDDDK Isolation Kit130-101-591产品说明The µMACS and MultiMACS DYKDDDDK Isolation Kits facilitate the isolation of DYKDDDDK-tagged (also known as FLAG®-tagged) proteins from different sources. The super-paramagnetic µMACS MicroBeads included in the kits are conjugated to an anti-DYKDDDDK monoclonal antibody, enabling fast and effective magnetic labeling of DYKDDDDK-tagged fusion proteins. The protocol allows for protein isolation within just 1.5 hours. No centrifugation o...
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